Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tutorials: Google Drive - Creating and sharing a document

If you have an account you have a Google Drive account. To log in, simply navigate to Google Drive, and enter your username and password. There are two possible screens:

1. Oakgrove School District: Enter your username without the Enter your password.

2. Regular Google Drive: Enter your full email address and password.

3. The type of assignment you wish to complete will dictate the type of document you will create. Most often you will need to create documents so I am giving instructions for it; however, the same functions apply to all. Click on the red Create button and select document from the drop down menu:

4. Give your document a name and begin drafting your assignment.

5. Drive allows you to work with other students on the same document at the same time. In order to do so, click on the blue share button.

On the sharing screen, add the complete e-mail addresses of the people you are sharing with (separate multiple editors with commas or enter), and then click on share and save. The document should appear immediately in the shared folder of the people you added. If not, go back to share and make sure you spelled everything correctly.

6. You are now working together; YAY!