Sunday, May 1, 2016

News 05/02-05/06

Dates to Remember:

  • Student Exhibition Night 05/25 (5-6 pm)
  • Block schedule this week: M/TH Periods 1, 2, 3. T/F Periods 4, 5, 6. Wednesday is regular schedule

Classroom News

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Trash to Treasure: Building week for your trash to treasure project. You will have an opportunity to complete your builds in class. Remember that you must bring your materials to be ready to work. Since we have block schedule, you will be in the Science classroom for two class periods on Tuesday and Friday, so having your materials on hand is a must.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Biome Survival  This is the final week of your Biomes project. Your "paper" project should be done, and you will be working on your diorama. Do not forget your materials. Since we have block schedule, you will be in the Science classroom for two class periods on Tuesday and Friday, so having your materials on hand is a must.

7th Science - Laboratory

Interdependence of Organisms Monday we will explore biogeochemical cycles to understand how matter and energy is recycled in ecosystems. We will quickly move on to the Endangered Species project. A Trello board has been created to help guide your work. Follow the instructions given in class on Wednesday, and good luck saving a species from extinction.

8th Engineering - Website

 EDC - The Thermos Challenge: This week you will develop your prototypes. Keep an accurate recount of your activities in your Trello board, and do not forget to bring your building materials. As you begin testing your prototypes, make sure you document what went well and what did not in preparation for your final build.