Saturday, August 29, 2015

News 08/31-09/04

Igame Source:

Dates to Remember:

  • Back to School Night (parents only) - September 3, @ 6:00 p.m.
  • AdV Parent Information Mtng - September 16 @ 4:00 p.m.
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 21 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo and/or sign up for after school help. This week I am only available Wednesday until 3:30 p.m.

Classroom News

All science classes have begun weekly blogs. Blogs are due Sunday at midnight. You can expect me to begin grading Monday at 8:00 a.m.
  • Fifth graders are only working with two components right now (image and summary). Click here for a full credit example from one of your classmates.
  • Sixth and seventh graders must have the three components (image, summary and science practices). Click here for a full credit example from one of your classmates.
If you are unsure about how to avoid a zero for your weekly blog, watch this video tutorial that explains what you need to do. Link to tutorial:

If you are attempting to open your rubric for an assignment or blog post on Edmodo, and it does not seem to work, watch this video tutorial that walks you through how to look at the rubric. Link to tutorial:

5th Science

This week you will do your first experiment! We will work together to learn to write a lab report as we explore the Mystery of the "Double Stuffed Oreo cookies". With that information in hand, you will take a brief quiz on Wednesday. You will learn how to write a Lab Report, and then begin drafting your Letter to the Board of Education. Can you convince them to save science?

6th Science
Can you imagine creating your own experiment? As you come up with ideas, you will learn how to write a lab report, and yes, conduct your very own experiment to answer an interesting question that you come up with. You will record your findings in your first Lab Report. On Wednesday, you will take a quiz on the Scientific method. Towards the end of the week you will begin working towards creating a Scientific Method Cartoon.

7th Science
You chose your scientists last week. This week you will work on your Scientist Wanted poster as you practice your research skills. Make sure you keep your sources updated using the CITE-IT rubric! You will present your posters on Tuesday, September 8.

8th Engineering

This week you will discover the Engineering Design Process (EDP) by watching engineers go about their business. This will lead into your first Engineering Design Challenge where you will come up with ideas to safeguard people from head injuries. Submit your purchase order by Friday so you can build your prototype next week.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

News 08/24-08/28

Image result for the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Image source:

Dates to Remember:

  • Back to School Night (parents only) - September 3, @ 6:00 p.m.
  • AdV Parent Information Mtng - September 16 @ 4:00 p.m.
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 21 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo and/or sign up for after school help. This week I am available Tuesday and Friday until 3:30 p.m.

Classroom News

5th Science

You will start your blogs this week. Once the blogs are set up, we will begin exploring the curriculum with a series of lessons on the Science and Engineering practices. 

6th Science

You will start blogging this week. Once the blogs are set up, we will work towards refreshing your memory about the Science and Engineering practices. You will learn about a “New Scientific Method”, and begin crafting your very first science experiment.

7th Science
We will take a brief tour of the scientific method in order to understand the idea behind the science and engineering practices. By the end of the week you will conduct a virtual scientific experiment, and discuss the limitations of virtual experimentation. Your first blogpost is due by Monday 08/31.

8th Engineering

This week you will explore different engineering careers as you complete the Design a Hat challenge. Remember that everything you use should be in the first person, and be ready to have fun sharing your hats as you attempt to convince others to trade engineering hats. This first project is due Friday 08/28.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

Dear AdVENTURE students,

It's hard to believe but it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome back!

Although many would say I am biased, having started when AdVENTURE didn't even have a name, this is truly the best place to be. AdVENTURE is a very special community, where academics are strong and experiences are rich. With that said, I am thrilled to begin another year in this place I call home.

For those of you that don't know me, a little bit of background. I was born and raised in Mexico City. After graduating from Universidad La Salle with a degree in Biochemistry specializing in pharmaceuticals, I worked as a pharmaceutical researcher for over 12 years, having a hand in bringing some key pharmaceuticals to your drugstores. I moved to San Jose in 1998, and was a full time mother to my two children for several years. Once they started school, I decided to explore a teaching career, completed the teacher education program at San Jose State University, and began teaching 6th grade in 2008. In 2010, I jumped at the opportunity of becoming a founding teacher at AdVENTURE. Being an AdVENTURE teacher has allowed me to expand my horizons, having had the privilege to teach science, engineering and a video game design elective. Last year I was honored as the STEM teacher of the year, became published curriculum author as a BetterLesson Master Teacher, and also obtained my certification as a Google Educator. Needless to say, it has been an AdVENTURE!

I am super excited to announce a couple of changes to the way we "handle business" in my science classes this year. Your experience in science has been transformed into a game, complete with boss battles, leaderboards and opportunities to craft your own adventures. As we explore the curriculum together you will get a chance to become the concepts, and develop scientific identities. Make sure to visit your grade level website and prepare yourselves for a journey through time and imagination.

Those of you taking my engineering elective will spend the beginning of the year completing engineering design challenges, working together to find the best solutions to problems that affect us all. From avoiding concussions, to saving the world from imminent natural disasters, and even finding ways to feed the world's growing population, we will tackle it all. This class will also be our springboard to STEM competitions. I am challenging you to participate in at least two nationally recognized competitions, and look forward to guiding you through these experiences.

My Globaloria students are not to be forgotten. You may not know it, but this will be the third time that I teach this elective, and have led several teams to victory at the Globeys. I am thrilled to see you explore science concepts in depth as you create new and exciting games.

Before you go, take a moment to explore the AdVENTURE with Mrs. Garcia website, where you will find information about grading, classroom procedures and policies, resources and much more.

I am looking forward to meeting my new students as well as to getting reacquainted with my returning students. I welcome hearing from you. Let's work together to ensure a successful and happy 2015-2016 school year, conducting ourselves in a Respectful, Responsible and Safe manner.

Mariana Garcia Serrato