Sunday, September 24, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Chronicles 09/25-09/28

Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...

Dates to Remember:

  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 11 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: RocketLit has started for all grades. Remember that you can re-take it as many times as you need until Friday at 2:30. Once grades are on Schoolloop they are final.

5th Science
This week we will explore different properties of matter. We will use our powers of observation and physical processes to try to identify an unknown solid. Pay close attention to your observations. We will then move to performing tests on liquids and again use our observations to determine how liquids behave. Towards the end of the week we will discuss dissolving and how this physical change is different in different liquids.

6th Science
This week we begin our unit on climate change. We will read about the small island nation of Tuvalu and how climate change is already affecting them. We will then discover the basics of weather through a series of readings and web activities in order to fully understand the conditions of the atmosphere that lead to weather events.

7th Science
This week you will begin your periodic table project. You will put everything you learned about Dmitri Mendeleev to the test as you attempt to organize your own periodic table of ___.  Remember that you may leave things blank as you figure out how to illustrate periodicity.

8th Science
We start our unit on evolution by discussing the ideas you already have. We will then move on to clearly defining evolution and the driving forces behind it. Two fun labs that explore mutations and genetic drift will have you determining frequency and developing your ideas around just what happens in nature.

8th Engineering
This week we start our reverse engineering unit. You will have the opportunity to discover what's inside a favorite item, and put it back together. Be careful to take copious notes and develop sketches as you put together a manual for your item.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Chronicles 09/18-09/22

Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...

Dates to Remember:

  • End of Term 1: Friday, September 22, 2017
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 11 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: RocketLit has started for all grades. Remember that you can re-take it as many times as you need until Friday at 2:30. Once grades are on Schoolloop they are final.

5th Science
This week you will write your first "Writing Across the Curriculum" essay. You will craft a story that demonstrates your knowledge of matter changes from the perspective of a water molecule. Have fun telling us your AdVENTUREs.

6th Science
This week you will write your first "Writing Across the Curriculum" essay of this school year. You will investigate "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" and provide evidence to support which one of the three is the most important. Stay focused and think about whether your choice is sustainable and feasible.

7th Science
This week you will write your first "Writing Across the Curriculum" essay of this school year. You will be defending DmitriMendeleev as you explain why his organization of the elements makes sense. Stay focused and make sure that the NSF does not shut Mendeleev down lest we unlearn everything you know about how the periodic table "works".

8th Science
This week you will write your first "Writing Across the Curriculum" essay of this school year. You will investigate "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" and provide evidence to support which one of the three is the most important. Stay focused and think about whether your choice is sustainable and feasible.

8th Engineering
This week you will get a chance to respond to the other students who are participating with you on the KQED Learn platform. As last week, make sure you keep your evidence handy as you craft your responses. This is the last week of our collaboration unit and you will participate in some fun activities that will help you be better collaborators. Start thinking about an item to bring for our Reverse Engineering project coming up next week.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Chronicles 09/11-09/15

Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...

Dates to Remember:

  • End of Term 1: Friday, September 22, 2017
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 11 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: RocketLit has started for all grades. Remember that you can re-take it as many times as you need until Friday at 2:30. Once grades are on Schoolloop they are final.

5th Science
We have proven that matter exists, even when we cannot see it. Now it is time to delve a little deeper. What is matter actually made of? This week is all about exploring the properties of matter. We will discuss mass, volume and density, and use a fun comparison to understand just how small atoms are.

6th Science
This week you will keep working on the Thermos Challenge. Remember to bring your materials and be ready to explain your choices. Testing of your thermos will happen on Wednesday, so that you have an opportunity to revise your work before presenting it  to the class. Final chance to revise your thinking on the goformative phenomena.

7th Science
A brief re-cap of the concepts you learned about ions and isotopes will lead into understanding the periodic table. You will finally get to know just how the elements are organized, and all the fun things that you can use the periodic table for. With that knowledge firmly in place, you will solve Mendeleev's Castle quest. Are you up to the challenge?

8th Science
Last week you gathered your information. Now it is time to develop your products. Much time and effort should go into making your interactive poster that details all you learned. Access to research materials will be limited.  Final chance to revise your thinking on the goformative phenomena.

8th Engineering
You were selected to form part of a special group of students that will be the first to interact with KQED's Learn platform. You will have the distinct opportunity to explore an issue, write a response and have conversations with other students about it. You will use each other's insights to craft your first WAC and show what you know.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Chronicles 09/04-09/08

Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...

Dates to Remember:

  • End of Term 1: Friday, September 22, 2017
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 11 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: To request a regrade for a Non-Zero or Warning assignment, you must send an e-mail to your teacher, with the URL of the document/page you want her to grade. You must sign your e-mail with your name, grade level and class. Remember that, although you only have one assignment, your teacher has to sift through all 170+ assignments and 5 gradebooks to find you. The easier you make it to re-grade, the higher the chance that it will be done promptly.

5th Science
This week we start our study of matter. A quick introduction will be followed by labs that will help you understand what matter is made of and how, even when we do not see it we can still make observations about it. Two fun labs to look forward to: "Is air really there?" and "Matter on the move".

6th Science
Now that we know how heat and temperature are related as well as how temperature affects matter, we are almost ready to test our knowledge. On tuesday you will have a Mastery Quest and be introduced to your first design challenge. Are you up to the task of designing an artifact to solve Mrs. Garcia's problem? Apply what you know about how heat is transferred from one object to another in order to be successful.

7th Science
We will work on understanding density as an intrinsic property of matter. Using that knowledge, you will receive news from King Arthur to solve the density dilemma. We will then keep at it as we study ions and isotopes. Be prepared to apply the knowledge you gain

8th Science
We move on in earnest to geologic time and just how scientists determine dates using radioactive dating. By Thursday you will start your first project, creating informational products that will help others understand the characteristics of the different eras that big chunks of time represent. Your artistic skills will be put to the test.

8th Engineering
This week is all about sharing different points of view and understanding differences. Be ready with your best communication skills, which will help you solve the Zoom puzzle. Towards the end of the week you will be expected to create a mural that highlights and celebrates just how unique you are.
8E - Bring a digital selfie and pictures of at least 4 things that make you unique on THURSDAY!