Sunday, January 24, 2016

News 01/25-01/29

Dates to Remember:

  • Alternative Programs Information Faire - January 26 - 6:30 - 7:00 PM - Herman Cafeteria. If you know of a student or family that is interested in AdVENTURE or any of the other programs in the district, invite them to come meet us.
  • February 1 is a teacher development day. No students in school.
  • Semester grades will be mailed out soon. 

Classroom News

Birdbrain resumes for all this week. 
5th graders have a weekly blog
6th and 7th graders will do WAC.

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Matter: We will finish up our M&M explorations and move on to states and properties of matter. Once again, we will have labs most of the week, so come prepared with your observation skills. Can you identify a powder by looking at it closely, or by crushing it? Can you tell the difference between curious crystals? Your observation skills will be put to the test.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Source to Mouth. We continue to explore different features of rivers, and discover how a river changes due to age or slope. We will also dam our rivers and see what happens when people dump toxic waste near a river. Can you prevent your river from becoming polluted? Thursday you will receive your WAC assignment. Make sure you hone in on the benefits and damages caused by dams!

7th Science - Laboratory

Genetics. You will continue to work on your Genetics project. Your debates should be almost ready. You have worked hard to understand these difficult topics and should be ready to take a stand. The debates themselves were moved to next week to accommodate our WAC writing, which will begin on Thursday. You have the information since you prepared for your debate. It is just a matter of committing your ideas to paper.

8th Engineering - Website
You will continue your work on the YSC project. Finish up brainstorming ideas and get ready to select ONE. Your choice will determine the course of the rest of your project, so make sure you have a clear purpose and that you are able to fully take ownership of its development from idea to finished product.

Monday, January 18, 2016

News 01/18 - 01/22

Dates to Remember:

  • No school on January 18 and 19.
  • Alternative Programs Information Faire - January 26 - 6:30 - 7:00 PM - Herman Cafeteria. If you know of a student or family that is interested in AdVENTURE or any of the other programs in the district, invite them to come meet us.

Classroom News

Due to the short week, there will be no blogs or birdbrain this week.

Cumulative XP:

5th Science

Matter: We continue to work with our M&M experiments. This week we will investigate some very interesting properties of M&Ms. You will come to a conclusion on whether your observations only happen with these candies, or perhaps with some other things.

6th Science

Source to Maouth. We cut our first rivers this week. We will experience meandering and canyon formation first hand. Prepare for a super fun week of intense exploration.

7th Science

Genetics. You will continue to work on your Genetics project. The background research is done, and you start to uncover the ethical and practical consequences of each technology. Let's prepare a great debate.

8th Engineering
You will continue your work on the YSC project. This week you will start thinking about one solution for your project and begin to make it a reality. What a great way to "Take over the World!"

Sunday, January 10, 2016

News 01/11-0115

Dates to Remember:

  • End of term is 01/15. Last day to submit anything for re-grades is 01/13.
  • No school on January 18 and 19.

Classroom News

Cumulative XP:

5th Science

Matter: We begin our explorations on matter an its properties. We have lab days almost every day as we work to determine the specific properties of M&Ms and how they behave under different conditions. Be ready to be surprised!

6th Science

Source to Maouth. We enter the San Joaquin river delta as we begin to understand the power of water in our river cutters unit. We will work on understanding the different parts of a river and just how the transportation of sediment changes the course of rivers.

7th Science

Genetics. You have received your assignments for the Genetics debate. This week is about understanding your topic and making connections between what we learned and how it is applied in the real world. Make sure you are on the lookout for sources that can help others. Remember, "the enemy of your enemy could be your friend".

8th Engineering
You will continue your work on the YSC project. This long term individual project has you working on a new technology that improves the health and well-being of humanity. By the end of the week you will have narrowed down your project to identify the idea that will guide you for the rest of the project. Don't worry about finding a solution just yet!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

News 01/04-01/08

Dates to Remember:

  • End of term is 01/15. Last day to submit anything for re-grades is 01/13.
  • No school on January 18 and 19.

Classroom News

Cumulative XP:

5th Science

Weather: This is a project work week. You already chose which of the four projects to complete and it is time to "buckle down" and do it. Make sure you read the requirements often and check your work against the rubrics. Where do you find those? Well on the project webpage of course.

6th Science

Dirt on Soil. This is a project work week for you. You will put final touches on your Dirt on soil project and rehearse your presentations. What did your case tell you? Are your suggestions feasible? Check your work!

7th Science

Genetics. We start the week off by studying sex-linked genes. We continue our studies by covering epigenetics (make sure you have your monsters handy) and pedigrees. Once our lessons are done, we begin our work on the Genetics Debate project. So much fun is awaiting you!

8th Engineering
You will be introduced to the YSC project. This long term individual project will have you working on a new technology that improves the health and well-being of humanity. The first step for you, which is what you will work on this week, is to fully understand what is being required of you. That is what the quote at the top of this page is all about. I will expect quality work from you, even when nobody is looking :)