Saturday, August 27, 2016

This Week on the Island 08/29-09/02

Dates to Remember:

  • No school on September 5th in observance of Labor Day
  • Picture day is September 9th
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 12 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: To request a regrade for a Non-Zero or Warning assignment, you must send an e-mail to your teacher, with the URL of the document/page you want her to grade. You must sign your e-mail with your name, grade level and class. Remember that, although you only have one assignment, your teacher has to sift through all 170+ assignments and 5 gradebooks to find you. The easier you make it to re-grade, the higher the chance that it will be done promptly.

NOTICE: ForAllRubrics and Edmodo are not "playing nice". Because of this, I created separate ForAllRubrics accounts for you. Your username is your complete oakgrovesd e-mail (including the Your temporary password is included in the comments for your grade if I have already assessed your work. Do not try to log in using the Edmodo or the Google button, as your accounts are not linked with either of those services.

  5th Science

This week we begin working on the importance of science education, and science in general. We will solve a couple of mysteries involving tangrams and footprints and try to figure out how Dogs and Turnips can help us understand science. To round out the week we will talk about the scientific method. 

6th Science

We begin the week by thinking of new arrangements to the accepted scientific method. You then will work together to draft and conduct your very own experiment to answer a scientific question of your choosing. On Friday be ready to present your results to the class!

7th Science
Cell Wars has begun! You all have your assignments and are learning about your organelle candidates. As you are finding out new information, remember to post your smears to Edmodo (keeping them RRS). Don't forget to sling some mud back to your opponents!.

7th  and 8th  Engineering

You will continue with your engineering careers explorations in the Design a Hat challenge. As you are completing your research, try different arrangements and ways to adhere the information to your hat. Test your prototypes and remember to keep track of everything you try in your blog.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

This week on the island - 08/22-08/26

Image result for the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Image source:

Dates to Remember:

  • AdV Parent Information Meeting -  August 24 @ 4:00 p.m.
  • No school on September 5th in observance of Labor Day
  • Picture day is September 9th
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 12 @ 5:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

All my classes will take the AUP quiz on Monday. This is your first Mastery Quest.

Reminder: To request a regrade for a Non-Zero or Warning assignment, you must send an e-mail to your teacher, with the URL of the document/page you want her to grade. You must sign your e-mail with your name, grade level and class. Remember that, although you only have one assignment, your teacher has to sift through all 170+ assignments and 5 gradebooks to find you. The easier you make it to re-grade, the higher the chance that it will be done promptly.
  5th Science

This week we will set up our blogs, and learn how to manage our GAfE and Edmodo accounts. We will finish the week by writing personal mission statements in our blogs. This will be your first attempt at XP! 

6th Science
After a brief recap on GaFE and blogs, we will have a fun activity on communication. Towards the end of the week, we will refresh our memory on the Science and Engineering practices. If you are successful, you will craft your own scientific question to be answered with your own experiment. You have your first blogpost due at midnight on Sunday, August 28.

7th Science
After a brief recap on GaFE and blogs, we will have a fun activity on communication. Towards the end of the week, we begin our exciting Cell Wars unit with a cell sort activity and a lively discussion on Cell Theory. You have your first blogpost due at midnight on Sunday, August 28.

7th  and 8th  Engineering

For this first unit, both Engineering classes have the same assignments. After a brief recap on GaFE and blogs, we will have a fun activity on communication. Towards the end of the week, you will begin your exploration of different engineering careers with a Hat Design challenge. Remember that you must document everything you do in your Engineering Blog. Your first engineering blogpost is due at midnight on Sunday, August 28.