Saturday, February 27, 2016

News 02/29-03/04

Dates to Remember:

  • End of Term 03/04. Last day to turn in anything for a regrade 03/02.
  • Permission slips for 7/8 field trip to Stanford due 03/01.

Classroom News

Birdbrain is due on Friday by 2:30
Check the links to the new blog descriptions and rubrics on the right hand side of this page. 

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Minerals: We start our Rocks and minerals unit by exploring the rock cycle. We will then discover the forces of weathering and erosion so that we can finally visit some mines. This week you will learn about the physical and chemical properties of different minerals as you explore MasterMines.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Ecodetectives You have now figured out that chlorine is harmful to fish and that there is something "fishy" about Ken Unballe. But is he the responsible for the fish kill? Wait until you gather more evidence as we discuss the effects of acid rain and sediment. You may very well change your mind...

7th Science - Laboratory

Evolution. This week we will work on the forces that drive natural selection. What does survival of the fittest really mean? Should it perhaps be survival of the fit enough? How can a flea a turtle or bacteria be considered fittest? Maybe we should change our paradigms...

8th Engineering - Website
You will continue your work on the YSC project. Now it is time to work on your plan and begin developing your idea in earnest. Remember you have to have a working prototype of your invention AND have a way to test it. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

News 02/22-02/26

Dates to Remember:

  • Open House/Student Exhibition Night is February 24th. 

Classroom News

Birdbrain is due on Friday by 2:30
Check the links to the new blog descriptions and rubrics on the right hand side of this page. 

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Matter: This week will be dedicated to your Element Baby Book as we close our matter unit. Follow the template provided to obtain maximum points.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Ecodetectives You will present your river documentaries on Monday and Tuesday. You thought that we were done with rivers! Kind of, but not really. This week we will begin the Eco-detectives unit so be ready to put everything you learned about rivers to good use.

7th Science - Laboratory

Evolution. This week we will begin our study of Evolution and discover just why it is called "The Greatest Show on Earth". We will discover some of the driving forces of evolution and perform two labs that will illustrate just how evolution happens.

8th Engineering - Website
You will continue your work on the YSC project. Now that you have finished your IGNITE presentations it is time to get to work and make your project a reality. Keep up the good work.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

News 02/08-02/12

Dates to Remember:

  • February break is next week. No school 02/15-02/19

Classroom News

Birdbrain is due on Friday by 2:30

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Matter: We are gaining an understanding of the properties of matter. Our background research on Matter is done, and we move on to atomic theory and elements, compounds and mixtures. By the end of the week you will be able to distinguish between the three with ease.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Source to Mouth. Your river documentaries are well under way. Remember that they are due on Friday. Can't wait to see them!

7th Science - Laboratory

Geologic Time. We have left the Genetics unit behind us, and we are ready to explore Geologic Time. Come prepared with your creative hats on as you explore different epochs and eras. You will create an interactive poster!

8th Engineering - Website
You will continue your work on the YSC project. You have selected the main focus for your work. It is time to develop your IGNITE presentations to convince us that your project will be worth your while.

Monday, February 1, 2016

News 02/01-02/05

Dates to Remember:

  • Semester grades will be mailed out soon. 

Classroom News

Birdbrain is due on Friday by 2:30

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Matter: We will continue to explore the properties of solids as we learn about solubility and recrystallization. Can these tests help you identify an unknown solid? We will then add a new white powder to our list, and begin our matter background research. Matter project, here we come!

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Source to Mouth. You will receive your river assignments and begin your work on the Source to Mouth project. You will learn about different rivers and what makes them unique. Get ready to produce your very first documentary!

7th Science - Laboratory

Genetics. Tuesday and Wednesday are slated for the Genetics Debate. It is time to present your hard work. Towards the end of the week we will begin exploring Geologic time. What can fossils tell you?

8th Engineering - Website
You will continue your work on the YSC project. You have selected the main focus for your work. It is time to develop your IGNITE presentations to convince us that your project will be worth your while.