Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Grade Modification Policy - Including quizzes

This information can be found on the AdVENTURE Green Sheet. It is being placed here for your convenience. Please read it before you request a re-grading of your work, including Quizzes and Tests.

Grade Modification Policy
If a student submits incomplete work on time, which means he/she does not have a zero for the assignment, a grade modification can be requested. This grade modification request must be made by Schoolloop e-mail directly to the teacher, reference the assignment, due date and provide specifics about the items that were modified and wish to be re-graded.
Grade modification requests will only be addressed up to one week after the original grades for the assignment were posted.
Visit the following page and scroll down for video tutorials on how to request a grade modification and how to obtain the appropriate links for digital work.

A student may retake quiz if they believe they can obtain a better grade. The student has one week from when the date the grade is posted to schedule and retake a quiz. In order for a retake to be scheduled, the student must provide evidence of having studied the material by:
  • Providing a written statement from a guardian that witnessed the student studying the material.
  • Coming in one or more times after school to get help from a teacher.
  • Completing quiz corrections including why wrong answers were wrong and why right answers were right.

Re-takes will only be scheduled after school, not during classroom time.