Sunday, March 6, 2016

News 03/07-03/11

Dates to Remember:

  • 7th grade Intel permission slips are due

Classroom News

Birdbrain is due on Friday by 2:30
Check the links to the new blog descriptions and rubrics on the right hand side of this page. 

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Minerals: The Adopt a Pet Mineral project starts Monday, and its due Friday. Use everything you learned about rocks and minerals to make a decision. Can't wait to see who you will adopt.

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Ecodetectives We continue our Ecodetectives unit by discussing the happenings at Parallel Park. We then move on to phosphates and the risks they carry to algae and fish. We are about to determine the culprit. Who do you think it is?

7th Science - Laboratory

Evolution. This week we will  uncover how fossils give us clues about evolution. Past lives, paleoecology and biodiversity will be what we need to uncover the clues.

8th Engineering - Website

You will continue your work on the YSC project. Now it is time to work on your plan and begin developing your idea in earnest. Remember you have to have a working prototype of your invention AND have a way to test it.