Sunday, April 10, 2016

News 04/11-04/15

Dates to Remember:

  • End of term April 15th
  • 5th and 8th grade - your Science CST is scheduled for April 25th. Start Zondling today!

Classroom News

Cumulative XP:

5th Science - Castle

Electricity and Magnetism: This week is all about your own electrical inventions. You will apply your knowledge of circuits and put it to good use developing a product. Do not forget to bring your materials and have a clear plan for your design. I cannot wait to see what you come up with!

6th Science - Enchanted Forest

Ocean currents  We continue our study of ocean currents. We will discover the relationship between salinity and temperature, figuring out just how the Gulf Stream is powered. We will visit with several historic figures to analyze the effects of currents on trade before finally engaging in the Message in a Bottle project.

7th Science - Laboratory

Evolution. The beginning of the week will see you putting final touches on your evolution project. Be ready to present on Wednesday! Once presentations are done we move on to my favorite unit "Interdependence of Organisms".

8th Engineering - Website
We continue our work on the Asteroid Impact project. By the end of Monday you have to have the dimensions of your cave, along with a scaled map. It is important that you realize that all your calculations are in square meters. What is the conversion factor to square kilometers? We will study the geology of Alabraska as we determine the best place to build your cavern. What considerations will you think are important for your build?