Saturday, October 8, 2016

This Week on the Island 10/10-10/14

Dates to Remember:

  • I will be out for a training on Tuesday and Wednesday (10/11-10/12), I expect you to be on your absolute best behaviour, and make our guest teacher feel welcome.
  • AdV Student Exhibition Night - October 12 @ 5:00 p.m.
  • End of Term 2 - 11/04 

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Birdbrain readings have started, for all science classes. Remember that Birdbrain is done outside of class and is due on Fridays at 2:30. Birdbrain grades, once posted on schoolloop, are not subject to re-grades.

NOTICE: Looking to answer "Why I Got this grade?" Remember all projects and weekly blogs are graded using ForAllRubrics. To log in use your complete oakgrovesd e-mail and the password given to you as a comment to your grade for your first blog.

  5th Science

We will continue learning about physical and chemical changes. Now that you know how to identify them, you will get a chance to use that knowledge to identify and unknown substance. What particular properties will help you? How can you be sure of your answer? 

6th Science

Now that we know just how cells get their energy you will use that information to create a funny comic strip to help teach others. On Thursday we will move on to how things get into and out of cells. Why exactly is it that you should not drink distilled water, salt water or things with too much sugar? You will gather irrefutable evidence!

7th Science
With the information you gathered last week you will create a flip-book showing the process of mitosis. Be creative as you "show what you know"! Thursday we will discuss how mitosis is responsible for creating all the different structures you have in your own bodies as we begin our Human Body 2.0 unit.

7th  Engineering

Your manual is done. You know exactly how your item is put together and how it works. Now it is time to make it better. what will you change? What should be modified? As you move through this last portion of this project, make sure you keep your documentation ready so you can explain your findings.

8th  Engineering
We are almost ready to start developing our solutions. You will complete your blended images inviting us to care, and post them for everyone to see. You have enough information to explain to others the importance of solving the issue you identified. Let's narrow it down to one actionable action!