Dates to Remember:
- Thanksgiving Week - No school 11/21-11/25
- Charity Fair - 12/07 @ 5:00 p.m.
Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.
Classroom News
5th Science
We are now working on the phases of the Moon. Why does it change? What changed position in the night sky? As you continue your quest, be able to tell us the story. Towards the end of the week, we will take a brief detour into the brightness of stars. Take a look at the night sky and tell us what you see.
You created some interesting superhero concepts. It is time to begin learning about the genetics concepts that led to your superhero. We will "Tour the Basics" and make an inventory of traits. We will them talk about a monk who spent his life working with peas. You may be thinking, what does this have to do with anything? All will be revealed in due time.
7th Science
We are nearing the end of the Human Body project. Human Body redesigns will be presented on Thursday, and we will play the board games on Friday. Can't wait to see what you came up with!
7th Engineering
Final tests will be completed on Monday so that you have enough time to compile your work into amazing Ignite presentations. Remember to practice what you will say, and to have all your documents at the ready. Let us know how your device works or why it does not work as intended. Success for this project is measured by your process, not necessarily your final product.
8th Engineering