Sunday, April 2, 2017

This Week on the Island 04/03-04/07

Dates to Remember:

  • Mrs. Garcia's gradebook closes 04/12.
  • End of Term 5 04/14.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

  5th Science

You continue with your severe weather project. Whether you decided to work with a team, or are working individually, keep checking the rubric and the requirements. Your goal is to develop an understanding of the different types of severe weather and be able to share your knowledge with the class.

6th Science 

We have done a lot of work on how greenhouse gases drive climate change. This week you will start on an interesting research project where you put what you have learned to the test. Choose a sector of interest and be ready to dive deeper into the content. How are the effects of climate change reported in the media? Who should you believe? Prepare your product to inform your classmates!

7th Science

Super fun times are ahead of us as you continue your exploration in chemistry. This week will be all about how atoms are rearranged during a chemical reaction. You will start by learning how to count atoms, and then discover the different bonds that can be formed. Are all bonds created equal? What's up with that "magical" 8 we've been hearing about?

7th  Engineering

This week you will finally get to build your shelter. It will be messy, but with effort and perseverance you will save the people of Alabraska!

8th  Engineering

It is finally done! Your Genius Hour project is ready to be shared. we will listen to you as you tell us all about your work. Proudly show what you know and help others understand your passion.