Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...
Dates to Remember:
- End of Term 2: November 3, 2017
- Parent Information Meeting: Nov. 8, 2017 @ 4:00 p.m.
Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.
Classroom News
5th Science
This week it is all about food chains and food webs. We will start by identifying types of organisms, and construct several models that help explain how all organisms are connected.
6th Science
We start out the week elarning from each otehr as you present your Climate Change project. You will the take on the role of architects as you prepare for the eco-House challenge
7th Science
We continue our explorations on types of reactions. We will have a couple of labs that will allow you to deepen your understanding of bonds as well as the uses of chemical reactions to identify substances. Be ready to shar your knowledge of acids and bases by the end of the week.
8th Science
You will continue your work on youre evolution project. I cannot wait to see all the different organsism you came up with.
8th Engineering
You all have comments in your past and present document. read them and make the necessary corrections before you continue with your plan.