Sunday, October 15, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Chronicles 10/16-10/20

Have you checked out how many townspeople you have saved, and what badges you have earned? Don't forget to visit the lab...

Dates to Remember:

  • End of Term 2: November 3, 2017
  • parent Information Meeting: Nov. 8, 2017 @ 4:00 p.m.

Need help with something? Post your questions on Edmodo.

Classroom News

Reminder: RocketLit has started for all grades. Remember that you can re-take it as many times as you need until Friday at 2:30. Once grades are on Schoolloop they are final.

5th Science
Our unit on chemistry is just about done. This week you will work on your physical and chemical changes slide deck. You will have one final lab and then use all this knowledge to solve the Matter  Matters mystery. Can you figure out what is in each box? Provide enough evidence and complete your final mastery quest.

6th Science
This week we will work on developing a deep understanding of the effects of climate change. Each of you will be tasked with creating an informational product that analyzes the effects of climate change on different sectors. Gather information and prepare to show what you know.

7th Science
This week it is all about bonds. We know that chemical changes rearrange matter, but just how do we figure out how that matter is rearranged? We will explore ionic bonds and move on to balancing equations as we explore the law of conservation of matter.

8th Science
Now that we have gathered multiple lines of evidence for evolution, it is time to learn how organisms are classified. We will work on cladistics and create cladograms as we put our final touches on the unit and prepare to "evolve humans".

8th Engineering
Exploravision has started. This week it is about brainstorming what you can do for your project. By the end of this week you will not only have selected your team and topic, but you will also have a deep understanding of how your technology currently works.